Wipro Education Grants Program 2021

Apply for CSR Grant for Education

WIPRO has announced “Wipro education grant programme for capacity building  of Education System of India for desired reform”

Our Grant Support will not cover requests for running low-fee paying schools, infrastructure support, procurement of assets, sponsorship of students, and so on.

Three type of activities to be covered- 
1. Systemic Education Reform
 (to strengthen the capacities of organizations that are working, or aim to work closely with teachers, head-teachers, communities, and the public education system towards improving the quality of school education in India).
2. Access to Education
( support CSOs close to Wipro locations, which are working towards education)

3. Education for Children with Disability
(This program supports CSOs that meet the specific educational needs of Children with
Disabilities and support inclusive education )

 Organizations which are currently not being supported under Wipro Education Grants or Fellowship programs are eligible to apply. 

Please also refer to program-specific eligibility criteria before applying.


Download Format and proposal for CSR and Local Admin

NGO can download Application for Local Administration and Project Proposal for CSR to conduct project for CORONA from DOWNLOAD section https://ngomitramission.in/downloads/

Apply for Grant

Apply for Grant to HCL Foundation for getting fund for combat KOVID-19