The camps are intended to provide basic health check up facilities including Blood Pressure/Sugar check, Eye check-up, provision of free near vision spectacles, free medicines on requirement basis. Doctors including General Physician, Eye-specialist and a gynaecologist are required to attend the patients.
Applications/Technical Bid in Annexure-I(a) & I(b) are invited from eligible institutions for empanelment with NSKFDC for organizing Health camps on Pan India Basis on a prescribed consolidated Internal Standard Fee Structure(ISFS) of Rs. 30,000/- per health camp. Interested institutions, who fulfill the following criteria may apply for empanelment with NSKFDC.
शिविरों का उद्देश्य ब्लड प्रेशर / शुगर की जांच, नेत्र जांच, दृष्टि चश्मों के पास मुफ्त की व्यवस्था, आवश्यकता के आधार पर मुफ्त दवाइयाँ सहित बुनियादी स्वास्थ्य जाँच की सुविधा प्रदान करना है।
for details go to-
Last Date : 3.00 P.M. on 25th February, 2021