Archives for ngo

EOI for 50 Districts of UP

EOI Invited by CSO/NGO as Facilitator under MNREGA for 50 District of Uttar Pradesh

Inviting Proposal from NCW

Inviting Proposal from NCW (National Commission for Women) for conducting Webinar

Issues/Topics/Thrust Areas for organizing Webinars for the Financial Year 2020-21

  1. NRI marriages
  2. Women Mental Health
  3. Domestic Violence
  4. Cyber Crime
  5. Migrant Women Workers


The NGO should have NGO Darpan ID and

conducting/organizing Webinars on women related issues should be included as one of its

objectives of Institution

The maximum financial assistance for organizing a Webinar shall be Rs. 65,000/-. (Rupees Sixty Five thousand only)

  • One NGO can apply for only one Webinar
  • Participants should not be less than 30
  • Duration 3 hour atleast

The whole process of inviting proposals is online.

Last Date- 12th June, 2020.

Apply for Grant to Combat KOVID-19